Give via bank transfer.
Your financial support and partnership help bring the gospel to the one of the most sparsely populated regions of the world with significant social and material challenges.
Please note that donations for the general work of the Diocese are not tax-deductible.
The Synod of the Diocese of the Northern Territory
BSB: 035-302
Account: 322646
Reference: Your name
Transferring from outside Australia? You will also need our SWIFT code.
Please contact us if you need any help or support in donating to the work of our diocese.
Another way you might choose to support ministry in the Diocese is via the Aboriginal Ministry Development Program.
School Ministry Foundation.
The Northern Territory is one of the few states/territories in Australia where teaching the Bible is still legal in government schools. That means we have the exciting opportunity to make sure kids have a chance to get to know Jesus!
The NT Anglican Diocese is committed to ensuring that Religious Instruction is available to students in Government Schools within the Anglican Diocese of the Northern Territory. To this end, the Diocese set up The Schools’ Ministry Foundation as a tax-deductible fund which prioritises ministry opportunities that:
Are consistent with our Diocesan Strategic plan;
Are Anglican in nature;
Partner with local Anglican Churches;
Promote the formation of long-term relationships;
Ensure sustainability and growth of new ministries; and
Uphold geographic, cultural, and age diversity.
Our goal in 2024 is to raise $30,000 to support the ministry in 2025 and 2026.
If you would like to contribute to this important ministry, your donation is tax-deductible. You can donate using the following account details:
Name: The Synod of the Diocese of the Northern Territory
BSB: 035-302
Account: 493381
Reference: Your name
Thank you for considering the support of Religious Instruction in NT Government Schools if you need further information or require a receipt, please email finance@ntanglican.org.au
St Matthew’s Church and Rectory – Ngukurr
Here at the Diocese of the Northern Territory, our primary focus in all the Aboriginal parishes is the support of church leaders and their ministry in these communities, however the harsh reality is that our attention, at times, must turn to the buildings, the places of worship and shelter in these Anglican communities.
It is in Ngukurr, a community of approximately 800 people some 300 kilometres south-east of Katherine and over 850 kilometres from Darwin that the church and rectory are now requiring our attention.
Lately maintenance and improvements have been carried out on the Ngukurr church, St Matthew’s. In the past couple of weeks, we have had four lads, Lee, Dave, Josh and Matt working on the replacement of the Ngukurr church roof. We thank God for these people in giving up their time to serve in this way. We must also give thanks to the generosity of St Matthew’s, Wanniassa in Canberra, which raised funds and sent a team of volunteers to complete a significant refurbishment of the Church.
Now we are turning our attention to the rectory/church worker’s residence in Ngukkur as we address the aging infrastructure, safety concerns and restore it to basic modern living standard. We would like to bring this residence up to a good condition ensuring it is suitable for ongoing ministry purposes. Our priority is to repair the damage caused by years of wear and tear and address safety and security concerns while limiting further degradation. However, we would also like to implement additional improvements to reduce future maintenance and operational costs while delivering some limited comfort improvements. We are striving to reduce the need for further significant investment over the next 5-10 years.
Refurbishment of the rectory must also be carried out while there is no one in residence as it includes (but is not limited to) removal and replacement of windows, flooring, electrical upgrades and replacement of essential facilities in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. A bit too much for a missionary or family to live through we think!
We had allocated funding for the refurbishment work in our 2024 budget, however with recent increases in the cost of labour, materials and transport (Ngukurr is a long way from Darwin remember!!), the amount allocated falls short of what is needed to fully complete this project.
To achieve this objective, we here at the Anglican Diocese in the Northern Territory are seeking donations to enable the refurbishment work at St Matthew’s Church and rectory in Ngukurr to continue.
The target figure for this appeal is $150,000.
All gifts, no matter how BIG or how small will help us!
If you are able to contribute a monetary donation, please see the details below:
Account name: The Synod of the Diocese of the Northern Territory Inc
BSB: 705-077
Account Number: 0004 1298
If you would like more information please contact us on admin@ntanglican.org.au
Raise the Rent
Alice Springs needs your help!
The Anglican Rector and his family have been given the opportunity to move into a more suitable house for their family, however as this was not expected, rent outlay was not budgeted for by the parish.
Therefore, we are seeking 52 people to pay a week’s housing allowance for the Slacks – $550 – to cover the first year!
The current house that they are in is unsuitable for their family and so this is a chance to use the existing rectory space for expanding ministry to the local parishioners. Or whatever donation you are able to give!
To help us, please make and electronic transfer to
The Synod of the Diocese of the Northern Territory Inc
BSB: 705-077
Account: 0004 1298
Please put in the subject field or description: “Asp rent” and the share the receipt to admin@ntanglican.org.au
Please keep sharing this with your networks and continue to pray for the ongoing ministry in Alice Springs
How is my donation handled?
Further details relating to the way donations and grants are handled in this Diocese can be found in the Diocesan Donations Policy and Procedures below, including standard terms and conditions for specific donations and bequests.
Need more help with donating?
Contact us and we will be in touch to help.