2025 Events

2025 Events

Tuesday 18th February - Thursday 20th 2025 Online
Monday 22nd September - Friday 26th September 2025 IN Person
A group of Aboriginal church leaders, selected by their parishes toprovide a forum for discussing matters that affect the Aboriginalchurch and Aboriginal people within the wider Diocese, so that theviews of Aboriginal Anglicans are an integral and strong voice intodiocesan structures and decision-making processes.

Ministry Partner Conference
Wednesday 30th April - 2nd May 2025

Katherine Chirstian Convention
Saturday 3rd May - Sunday 4th 2025

Clericon - NT Anglican Clergy Conference
Tuesday 6th May - Thursday 8th 2025
A gathering of Anglican Ministers the Northern Territory for bible study, prayer, encouragement, training and planning

Thursday 21st August - Saturday 23rd 2025


2025 Events


Tuesday 18th February - Thursday 20th February 2025 Online
Monday 22nd September - Friday 26th September 2025 In Person
WALK – a group of Aboriginal church leaders, selected by their parishes to provide a forum for discussing matters that affect the Aboriginal churches and Aboriginal people within the wider Diocese, so that the views of Aboriginal Anglicans are an integral and strong voice into diocesan structures and decision-making processes.

The name WALK captures two aspects of the forum’s hopes and prayers. The letters W-A-L-K represent the word for “word/story” in each of the four Aboriginal languages spoken in Anglican churches in the NT: wed (Kriol); ayakwa (Anindilyakwa); lhaawu (Wubuy); and kunwok (Kunwinjku). The forum will enable Aboriginal Christians to talk together in their own culturally safe space, and be a voice to the non-Aboriginal members of the Diocese. Secondly, the word WALK express the vision that God calls all Christians to walk together, despite their differences of culture and background, so that the unity of the body of Christ is a reality.

Ministry Partner Conference Wednesday 30th April - 2nd May 2025
A great opportunity for you to meet with our partners and for them to learn from us. Throughout these three days we will find good ways not only of strengthening our partnerships, but co-ordinating our work so that our witness is consistent, efficient and effective.
God is at work in the NT and we have the privilege of being labourers in his harvest field

Katherine Chirstian Convention Saturday 3rd May - Sunday 4th May 2025
Katherine Christian Convention is the largest Christian convention in the Northern Territory. Sitting down together with brothers and sisters, all one in Christ. The purpose: to present Jesus Christ to people so that they may recognise and accept Him as Son of God Saviour and Lord.

Clericon - NT Anglican Clergy Conference
Tuesday 6th May - Thursday 8th May 2025
A gathering of Anglican Ministers of the Northern Territory for bible study, prayer, encouragement, training and planning.

Synod Thursday 21st August - Saturday 23rd August 2025

Synod in the Christian church, is a local or provincial assembly of bishops and other church officials meeting to resolve questions of discipline or administration.
The earliest synods can be traced to meetings held by bishops from various regions in the middle of the 2nd century

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to 22 Feb


WALK – a group of Aboriginal church leaders, selected by their parishes to provide a forum for discussing matters that affect the Aboriginal churches and Aboriginal people within the wider Diocese, so that the views of Aboriginal Anglicans are an integral and strong voice into diocesan structures and decision-making processes.

The name WALK captures two aspects of the forum’s hopes and prayers. The letters W-A-L-K represent the word for “word/story” in each of the four Aboriginal languages spoken in Anglican churches in the NT: wed (Kriol); ayakwa (Anindilyakwa); lhaawu (Wubuy); and kunwok (Kunwinjku). The forum will enable Aboriginal Christians to talk together in their own culturally safe space, and be a voice to the non-Aboriginal members of the Diocese. Secondly, the word WALK express the vision that God calls all Christians to walk together, despite their differences of culture and background, so that the unity of the body of Christ is a reality.

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